TONIGHT: Deadline to apply to The Bleeding Circle
There are a couple spots left to join us in the cave
The Bleeding Circle: Apprenticing to the Spirit of Blood and Menstruation through Art and Ceremony
More info here
Deadline to apply is Nov 9th midnight PST
What if using your creative power for personal and collective benefit was a universal initiation that belonged to all humans?
Join the participatory art and research project where we look at the origins of culture making through the "menstrual mind"
For many eras in our ancestral history, and in contemporary subcultures and original cultures across the globe, people use basic ritual/theater and creative structures to externalize inner knowings, clarify necessary communications, and  revitalize the community and local ecosystems with deep listening, play,  shapeshifting, and tending. They use these communal structures to  "think out loud" and transmit inner knowings and reinforce essential wisdoms.
In  the Bleeding Circle we call upon this shared ancestral technology to  usher in the exiled aspects of ourselves and human culture(s).  Steeping ourselves in the "menstrual mind" (Grahn, 1993) we dance with  Death, Love, Renewal, and Rhythm, and partner with them as teachers for  our current context.
Deadline to apply is Nov 9th, first session is Nov 16th
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