2 final Rhizomatic Choir events in-person Sept Portland, Or
9/24, 9/28 outdoors @ Laurelhurst park
facebook event page: https://fb.me/e/1gMsUOfzU
Project info page: Rhizomatic Choir | Animist Arts
Come experience a participatory vocal play-practice and meditative movement experience to re-learn our most ancient improvisational and collaborative skills.
This month, Dare Carrasquillo of Animist Arts will be offering four Rhizomatic Choir 90-min practice experiences in person on Chinookan lands, in so-called Portland, OR.
Rhizomatic Choir is devised from ancient ancestral social technologies & remixed for our context. Come witness, play, vocalize and bask in the goodness with us!
Based on central African hunter-gatherer polyphonic group singing (the oldest continuous somatic practice of humankind, originating 300,000 years ago by our shared original grandmothers), this is a communal ritual practice, deliberate counter dominance training and culturemaking for these times.
In Rhizomatic Choir, we use no discernable words or phrases, just vowel and consonant sounds, as well as our bodies and immediate earthly surroundings - no manufactured instrumentation or amplified sound devices.
We attune and listen deeply to the ecosystem of the place we are in, ourselves and the group in order to create, discover and regenerate together, in timed rounds followed by periods of silent integration & group reflection.
You can read more about the project and its origins at RhizomaticChoir.com
THURSDAYS: 9/14, 9/21, 9/28 @ 6-7:30 PM at Laurelhurst
SUNDAY: 9/24 after the Equinox, @ 1-2:30 PM at Laurelhurst
We’ll meet at 5:45 PM (12:45 PM on Sunday) at Laurelhurst Park on the lawn by bathrooms (SE Ankeny entrance), then migrate together to find a good spot to practice.
Bring yoga mats, chairs, blankets, layers; whatever you need to feel comfortable in a variety of positions.
We are not requiring masks or vaccination status; we’re asking everyone to determine their own comfort level + spacing, and care for themselves in a good way.
Dare will have a microphone to amplify the facilitation so it’ll be possible for folks to spread out and still participate.
Text Rachel L (971) 303-9718‬ to RSVP or ask ?s.
Suggested donation $30-$15, NOTAFLOF
Venmo @dare-sohei or paypal.me/daresohei
Visit our new Rhizomatic Choir page (RhizomaticChoir.com) to read more and stay in the loop for more practice opportunities and tour dates for Oct-Nov in Seattle, Tacoma and beyond.